T-Mobile Nexus 4 via Best Buy unactivated or on contract: Hurry

If you are still waiting to get the LG Nexus 4 on the T-Mobile network but do not wish to get direct from T-mobile, then Best Buy might have the answer for you. Best Buy is offering this handset either unactivated or on contract, but we would say hurry as these will probably not be in stock for long.
Nexus 4 via Best Buy unlocked or on contract- Hurry
We have reported twice over the last few days about the T-Mobile Nexus 4 availability and covering stock, as well as the Nexus 4 heated hype with T-Mobile & Google Play. When you visit the Best Buy page you will see that the Nexus 4 E960 in black is on sale for $599.99 unactivated or for $199.99 on a 2-year T-Mobile contract.
If you decide to go the contract option it will require a minimum $20/month Web access fee with all Classic voice plans, shipping is usually between 3-5 business days.
If you do decide to go the Best Buy route you will have to have a deep pocket, seeing as you cannot get this handset on Google Play there are only three options – either wait for Google Play to stock it or buy via other means such as Best Buy on the T-Mobile network or go direct with T-Mobile.
We went through the rigmarole of selecting the Nexus 4 on contract, then selecting a plan and it seems it is available to buy right now, will you – or will you wait for Google Play to restock?


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