Facebook 5.4 iOS app update, no need for Messenger

If you own the iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and iPad Mini then you may want to download the new Facebook 5.4 iOS app update, below we will let you know a little about each of the new additions on the Facebook app update.
Facebook 5.4 iOS app update getting more like Google+
The new bits within the update include the ability to share moments with voice messages, you can also send voice messages if you have more to say and cannot be bothered to input text using the keyboard, user can also share voice videos with the app itself now. We actually like the idea of recording and sharing videos right from with the app as well as the sharing and connecting with your favourite places using the improved Nearby tab.
We know about the sharing voice recordings already because you will remember these first from the FB Messenger app, this is good in a way because you do not need the Facebook Messenger, so Now that the Facebook 5.4 update is here, is there really any need for Facebook Messenger?. If users tap the Nearby button (You must turn on location services switched on – to switch this on please go to your iPhone settings and then tap privacy, then location services, then just select ON for Facebook) the app will then show many interesting places, events, venues based on Facebook’s Knowledge Graph.
Just so you know, if you decide to do a recording you will have to touch and hold the round recording button, when you go to your messages tab at the top and decide who you wish to send a voice recording, once you are there next to the text box where you type just click the + button on the left of it, this will open a new pop-up box, then all you do is click on “Record Voice” – for this to work you MUST touch and hold to talk, release to send or slide off the button to cancel recording.
If you have already downloaded the new Facebook 5.4 update on your iOS device, please let us know how you are getting on? Please remember we here at Phones Review love social networking, so why not join in on our Phones Review Facebook page


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