A very unique price calculator to show exactly where savings can be
made on UK’s telecom bills – Direct Save Telecom has targeted the
customers of the big 4 providers by becoming the first telecom provider
in the UK to install a price calculator on its website.
Since its launch in January 2013 over 1000 new customers have
signed-up to Direct Save thanks to its price calculator – all saving
themselves hundreds of pounds in the process.
All customers of the big 4 need to do, namely BT, Sky, TalkTalk or
Virgin, is simply visit Direct Save’s website and put in their current
telecom payment plan and the average amount of calls they make a week.
The savings calculator will then instantly tell them how much money they
could save by switching to the fastest growing telco in Britain.
Direct Save Telecom
has purposely targeted the big 4’s customers as they represent
approximately 90% of the UK’s fixed line and broadband market. This is
also the market where the most savings can be made.
The latest stats provided by the money conscious provider show that
82% of new customers save at least £150 in the first year, while some
are saving as much as £464.
Nicole Anderson, from Edinburgh, was one of the first to use the price calculator and as a result now saves over £200 a year.
“I read about the price calculator online so I looked it up and put
my details in. I was spending over £32 a month with TalkTalk and had
been meaning to switch for a while, as I was sure I could get a better
deal. Amazingly, the calculator told me I could save more than 50% on my
monthly bills, which equates to more than £200 a year. I think
everybody is naturally resistant to change but when you see exactly how
much you could save it really does make you think.”
Direct Save Telecom CEO, Stavros Tsolakis, explains: “We launched the
price calculator as the big 4 have dominated the UK telecoms market for
far too long, and more needs to be done to show the huge savings that
can be made if people are open to change.
Tsolakis adds: “We are delighted that so many people are using the
calculator, for the consumer I like that it can tell you not only who is
the cheapest provider but also which is the best free call plan based
on your calling profile.”
You can find Direct Save Telecom’s price calculator at http://www.directsavetelecom.co.uk/savings-calculator.html
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