New Year Times Square iOS & Android app includes countdown

We always like to bring readers news about pertinent apps for the time of year and although we haven’t quite got to Christmas yet we’re already looking ahead to New Year. If you want to join in the countdown to 2013 the popular Times Square Official New Year’s Eve Ball app has just been updated for the iOS and Android platforms. It’s available now and will help you get right into the spirit of the occasion.

This is a free app and so even if you can’t be part of the action in Times Square itself you can certainly feel the atmosphere via the app, along with millions of others. The app comes from Countdown Entertainment and for iOS devices is available from iTunes here. It was updated to version 2.0.13 on December 17 and is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad running iOS 5.0 or later and is optimized for the iPhone 5. The extra additions from the latest update include a new 2013 countdown, a really authentic look at One Times Square and also special animated effects and lighting. You’ll hear cheering with the countdown, see an animated ball drop and it has an easy time zone change feature.
Other usual features from the app include the ability to watch the LIVE official show with the opening ceremonies, musical interludes, countdowns on the hours, guest celebrity appearances and of course the famous midnight ball drop. One neat feature is that users can upload their New Year’s photos that everyone can vote on, including other revelers. If yours is chosen as a favorite it may appear on the vast Toshiba screen on top of One Times Square for the world to enjoy on December 31st. Some of the photos will also be included on the live show.

There’s much more too as you can find out the history of the Times Square New Year’s Eve celebrations including photos, weather, maps and the event schedule as well as send photos or New Year’s Eve ecards to friends and family. You may as well download the app as soon as possible and be ready, as throughout December there will be live streaming of Times Square events and exclusive video content will be available. Finally you can also personalize your own Toshiba Countdown Clock with a photo of yourself and your time zone.
The app is also available for Android devices from Google Play here. This was updated to version 2.0.6 on December 21st and again is a free app, this time compatible for devices running Android 2.3.3 or later. The latest version of this for Android also has an updated countdown to 2013 and has improved video compatibility, better support for tablets and phones with larger displays, tweaks and fixes and international support for photo uploads.
Why not join in the fun then and feel part of the occasion with people from all over the world who enjoy the Times Square New Year celebrations. We’d like to know if you will be heading to the App Store or Google Play to get this app? Also if you already used it in previous years then can you tell us what you think of it? Send your comments to let us know.


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